How Does Instagram Algorithm Work?

These days, people make use of Instagram for not only sharing their daily lives but also for supporting their online businesses. Instagram is a social media platform with interesting features that draws billion of users around the world. If you want to use Instagram as visual promotion tool, we recommend you studying about Instagram algorithm for maximum benefits for your online businesses. 

Evolution of Instagram Algorithm

Instagram once received complaints from its users due to poor, unsatisfied algorithm. They later praised the algorithm after Instagram had improved it. Instagram has thus become a strategic business platform that has seen its users growing so fast, about 50% in 10 months. 

How Does it Work?

The Instagram algorithm effects its users’ feeds in the following ways: 

  1. Interest : Instagram can predict which posts that must appear in users’ feeds based on their latest post reactions. 
  2. Recency : Instagram knows latest posts we share or pose as our priorities.
  3. Relationship : Instagram can predict how close a user from another user according to their interactions. The deduction comes from which user’s post that is mostly seen at first. 
  4. Frequency : The more frequent a user opens Instagram, the greater chance the user sees best contents or posts from the platform.
  5. Following : The more you have accounts to follow, the decreasing chance you’ll view their posts. You must visit their accounts to see what happens on their pages. 
  6. Usage : You’ll see more posts when you spend more time in the platform. In turn, the time shown will become longer.

Instagram Algorithm 101

A lot of Instagram users frequently utilize the platform as a promotion media for their products and services. Although Instagram is user-friendly, we must learn about the algorithm to maximize the performance thus Boldee’s posts can appear on top. These are the tips for Boldee :

  1. Get help from videographer or photographer so that you can have interesting, high quality contents. 
  2. Share your post to your Instagram Story thus people, who see your story, can directly visit your post.
  3. Use Live video feature to increase your engagement or interaction with your followers easily.
  4. Create your own campaign like giveaway or challenge to increase your engagement.
  5. Make a unique caption to attract your followers and invite them to weave interactions in comment section. 
  6. Offer information and advice for free needed by your followers.
  7. Use viral topics to gain more followers and engagement.
  8. Post the contents in the right time in accordance with the target of your business.
  9. Hiring influencers can increase your engagement and your brand awareness for their followers.
  10. Show your brand “personal life’, like behind the scenes of your content making with interesting captions.
  11. Strengthen your brand character is a must!
  12. Create an eye-catching profile page.


The above explanation suggests you working on your Instagram profile and content for optimizing the Instagram algorithm. Boldee can try the advice for your own Instagram accounts then tell us how it works. Call us

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