Our Guide for Making Your New Brand Such A “Stealer” in Social Media
There have been countless business brand owners or marketers that have made use of social media. The growing number of the social media users have turned the platform a promising tool for netting customers and building brand image. With the big number of brands playing on the same marketing tool, is there such a possibility for a new brand getting a special notice from the public? The answer is yes and here are our tips for you, Boldee:
1. Thorough Planning
A comprehensive planning needs to top your list above all else. Determine clear objectives behind your brand image. You can start by visualizing vision and mission of your brand. As you’re convinced with them, inspire your targeted audiences and build the brand awareness. Expose the vision and the mission to social media through the brand personality build-up. Expect customer’s trusts along the way.
2. Colour Matters
Colour psychology is important for the brand. The mood of the brand depends on selected colour. Generally, black means power, authority, finest style, formality and luxury. Yellow means optimism, warmth and wealthy. Orange means enthusiasm, confidence and happiness. Red means warmth, eye-catchy, sexy. Blue means calmness, loyalty, and trust. And green means nature, balance, financial independence, and stability.
3. Unique Content
People will easily recognize the brand if you have an authentic and unique characteristic. Start from a simple and meaningful look and vibe. Combine that with your colour mood. Maintain that as the brand’s characteristics.
4. Brand Experience Design
Distinguish the brand by offering brand experience to the targeted audiences. Create contents for the sellable point by producing quotes and data in forms of infographics and statistics. Support the strategy by making e-books, videos, memes, GIFs, behind-the-scene posts, tips and tutorials. Set up a Q&A section that will bring the audiences closer to the brand.
5. Consistency and Relevance
Consistency is a key to your success of creating brand image. Stick on communication style, brand voice, special call and tagline for making the brand authentic in the eyes of the customers. Boost the consistency by making relevant logo, colour scheme, watermark and graphic elements.
6. Customer Feedbacks
Don’t be easily satisfied with what you already achieve. Ask for feedbacks from your customers then give good responses. Always improve the quality of the brand that will better the impression.
7. Engaging Standpoint
Always engage with the customers for making the brand closer to their hearts. This paves a way for building a bond with them. Be ready for persuasive and responsive communication with them. In turn, they will not hesitate sharing experiences with the brand.