Eight Core Elements of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has become an important part of today’s business. It stems from technology and internet connection that grow faster and cheaper around the world. Many businesspeople and marketers have made use of digital marketing for product and service promotion and brand exposure.

Given that big impacts, digital marketing shares as equal role as offline marketing. As such, we’re sharing eight aspects of the business aspect for your optimal benefits.

1. Content Marketing

Content marketing usually deploys a blog or website to put various information, such as company news, product or service strengths and upcoming promotion dates. Optimize the element by adding customer value journey section. Stick on that and elaborate these reference stages of content making: awareness, evaluation and conversion.

2. Customer Value Journey

It takes on-point strategy and consistency for leading potential customers becoming your loyal ones. Gaining their trusts may not come overnight. This soft-selling method requires your persistence in creating content that always complies with your company’s or brand’s value. You will thus obtain their trusts that last in a long-run provided you maintain the quality of your product or service.


3. Digital Advertising

There are a lot of types of digital advertising, such as web banners, YouTube ads, email, search engine ads, etc. Creating high quality and interesting contents can increase percentages of traffic, click or opening rate, of the platforms.

4. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has shifted how brand owners must communicate with potential buyers or existing customers. The channel accommodates for content creation and audience engagement. Build relationships with your targeted audience and potential customers through interaction in your social media accounts. Offer solutions for your audiences’ problems after observing their necessities.

5. Email Marketing

Many people think that email marketing is so old-fashioned. However, this channel has the highest Return of Investment (ROI) in marketing. There are four keys to ensure the method working utmost for your business. First of all, make sure that your email is sent to targeted recipients. Second, ensure that your targeted audiences open then read your email. Third, create interesting email content that will make them taking actions as wished. The fourth is setting automation for the next process.

6. Search Marketing

Search marketing is a long-term strategy using search engine optimization (SEO) to get organic traffic for free. Create premium content and optimize your website to your targeted audiences alongside this step.

7. Website Analytics

Website analysing becomes the seventh step as you apply the previous steps. Get a huge amount of data through the element. You can find out the types of visitors who don’t buy or use your product or service. Other valuable information includes which contents that get highest clicks and which pages that attract people the most.  

8. Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization or CRO can push your online business growth. You can utilize CRO tools to test qualitative and quantitative data. This will eventually result in evaluations for improving your next business strategies.


With the eight core elements of digital marketing, you can evaluate every process you take and make your own Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to review your achievements. Need a digital marketing consultant? Do not hesitate to call us right away!

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