Marketing Survival Tips in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic
Every line within a certain company needs to work extra to cope with declining sales as people keep indoors during Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. For this time being, our focus is on marketing that must adjust to rapidly changing promotion scheme at this moment. Uncertain periods of physical distancing and large-scale social restrictions on people movement drive marketers finding effective solutions for maintaining the business operation. Let us see what they can make use of the tough time with technology.
Online Marketing
Online marketing can’t find more punctual moment than this time. As more and more people rushing to their gadgets, Boldee can offer attractive offers for keeping them positive in the self-quarantine period. A handful of online marketing platform is widely available, such as e-commerce, social media, search engine and marketplace.
You can create a reseller team for managing products that are mostly needed in this pandemic. Retail businesses can optimize their delivery service to ease customers while staying at home. Holding a webinar for business training through video conference is a beneficial online marketing and digital branding method for your business.
Creating stay-at-home learning services is a terrific idea for boosting your service brand name or even kicking it off timely. You can make educational contents, such as foreign language skill mastery and informatics online course, within certain sessions. Don’t forget to provide easy access for students who will be your target.
CSR Campaign and Digital Branding
Conducting Company Social Responsibility (CSR) related to the pandemic will both help those in need and improve your company’s good image. Some CSR activities that you can conduct are blood donor and open donation for money, staple food and consumer goods.
Another tip is adding dropping service in addition to existing online home shopping. Utilizing the two options will truly assist customers for getting products or services right at their doors. Optimizing the idea supports brand awareness that can be carried out through online media, official websites, and online festivals.
Online marketing and digital branding will serve as great options for Boldee in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. Stay creative, productive and healthy, everyone. Maintain our obedience to government’s recommendations.